Our Church
Abiding Word Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental, King James Bible only believing Baptist Church. We maintain that the King James bible is the inspired Word of God in English and that Jesus Christ has sent us to preach the gospel to every living soul. We are a Soul winning church going door to door into the neighborhoods of our city every week, engaging all who will listen to the good news of Jesus Christ dying for the sins of the whole world.
We do not water down the message of free, eternal salvation by grace through faith and that once someone trusts Christ’s death burial and resurrection, receiving him as their personal savior from hell, they will never lose that promised gift of everlasting life.
Our Pastor
Theo Matthews has lived in the state of Florida for over 20 years. While attending college in Tallahassee, he had heard the gospel preached in a Baptist Church. Although getting saved happened months later, the power of the gospel still resonated in his mind and memory. In the fall of 2002, Theo decided to put his faith on Jesus Christ to save him from Hell and asked God for the free gift of eternal life!
Theo’s pursuit of growing in the Word of God, serving the Lord, and fulfilling the desire to become a pastor one day, has landed him in Jacksonville Florida. By God’s merciful hand and loving grace, Theo has been on a dynamic and sobering path of attaining these pursuits. In September of 2022, it is through Pastor Patrick Boyle and Revival Baptist Church that Theo was sent out to pastor the local church in Jacksonville and continue a great work!
Theo with his wife, Flo, and their five children look forward to the many opportunities to serve God alongside the great people of Abiding Word Baptist Church! By faith, Theo endeavors to lead a church that is willing to carry the gospel through the entire city of Jacksonville, the state of Florida, and beyond the borders of the United States.